Annual General Meeting 4 October 2024

Annual General Meeting 4 October 2024

A Notice of Meeting for The Chartered Governance Institute’s (Institute) 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be distributed by each of the Institute’s nine Divisions from 9 September 2024. The AGM will be held at 16:30 hrs. (local time) on Friday, 4 October 2024 in the Harcourt Suite at the Hong Kong Club, 1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong and virtually via Vistra to transact the following business:

  1. To receive and consider the report of the Council on the business of the Institute for the year ended 30 June 2024 as set out in Appendix A to this notice.
  2. To receive comprehensive financial statements of the Institute for the year ended 30 June 2024 as set out in Appendix B to this notice.

From the tabs on the right you will find the detailed information that your Council believes will enable you to make an informed decision.

This year will be a hybrid AGM with live streaming as well as pre-meeting and online voting and participation on the day to be provided on a complimentary basis by Vistra. I encourage all members to participate online during the meeting, or to vote online or lodge a proxy, if they cannot attend. You can register to attend the meeting or vote online here on the Vistra platform. Further information on live streaming can be accessed by the tab on right – AGM Guide & joining instructions. 

Please consider this information carefully and engage further with your Division on these important matters. Your Council recommends that you vote in favour of these initiatives.

John Heaton FCG
International President