Our History

The Chartered Governance Institute is the premier global qualifying organisation for professionals aspiring to become a Chartered Secretary and or a Chartered Governance Professional and qualifies people who have roles as company secretaries, governance advisers, risk managers, compliance managers, non-executive directors and more.

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Established in 1891 in London when it was formed by 18 company secretaries as 'The Institute of Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies'.


The Institute grows to 1,500 members and the Royal Charter is granted. The members of The Chartered Institute of Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies and other Public Bodies are known as Chartered Secretaries.


The first overseas branch is established in Southern Africa.

The Australian Institute of Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies and other Public Bodies is established independent of the London body.


The Australia branch is formed in Melbourne called ‘The Chartered Institute of Secretaries’.


Women are admitted.


About half a dozen Chartered Secretaries who had graduated in the UK, meet in Montreal and form a 'group'. At this time, the Institute had Bye-Law 10 which permitted ‘distinguished professionals’ who had reached a certain level in age and experience to be admitted into Fellowship without further examination.


The Institute in London moved to a Livery Hall purchased from the Worshipful Company of Curriers. This building was destroyed during an air raid in 1940.


The New Zealand Division is founded. The branch had an initial membership of 39, and the first Chairman was G.W. Hutchison, CMG, FCIS, a prominent Auckland citizen, with N. R. Chapman, FCIS being the first Honorary Secretary.


The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) is established.

Various groups independent of the body established in London under Royal Charter were set up in Sydney and Melbourne between 1909 and 1924 and eventually merged in 1949 as the Australian Division of the Institute.


The Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA) is founded in as an affiliated body to the Institute.


The CGI Singapore Division is formed and operates as a committee under the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore [f.k.a. the Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (SAICSA)].


The Institute merged with The Corporation of Secretaries.


The Institute changed its name from The Chartered Institute of Secretaries to The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (ICSAZ) is incorporated by an Act of Parliament through the Chartered Secretaries (Pvt) Act.


The ICSA absorbed The Institute of Local Government Administrators.


The Canada Division Council agrees to allow members in Bermuda to choose between remaining on the London registry or transferring to that of the Canadian Division, as many students in Barbados and other Caribbean islands were studying courses provided by Canadian Division and therefore taking the Division’s examinations.


The Institute implements governance changes that established the UK, Republic of Ireland and the Associated Territories as a Division as well as members in overseas Divisions acquiring the right to elect members to Council.

The United Kingdom (UKRIAT) succeeds in having the position and role of the Company Secretary included in the ground-breaking Cadbury Report.


The first female President Joan Bingley is elected.


A special resolution of members of Chartered Secretaries Australia Ltd to change its name  to Governance Institute of Australia Ltd. is approved. New postnominals of FGIA (for Fellows), AGIA (for Associates) and GIA(Cert) for Certificated members adopted.


The New Zealand Division adopts the new name ‘Governance New Zealand Inc.’.


The worldwide membership votes to change the Institute’s name from The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) to The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI).


The new name ‘The Chartered Governance Institute’ comes into effect.

The Division known as the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Associated Territories (UKRIAT) adopts new name ‘The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland’ (CGIUKI).

The Canada Division adopts the new name ‘The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada’ (CGIC).


The Southern Africa Division adopts the new name ‘The Chartered Governance Institute of Southern Africa’ (CGISA).


The Hong Kong Division adopts the new name ‘The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute’ (HKCGI).

The Zimbabwe Division adopts the new name ‘The Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe’.