Insights - Hong Kong/China

KPMG/HKICS Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Survey Report - 'Risk management survey: Empowering success'

Hong Kong – 24 November 2020 – Against a backdrop of increased regulatory focus on
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), more Hong Kong organisations are now taking
ESG-related risks into consideration, however a majority have still not fully integrated these
into their ERM systems or their long-term strategic planning, according to a joint survey by
KPMG and The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS).
The report, titled Risk Management Survey: Empowering Success, focuses on governance of
risk management and the risk assessment cycle. It surveyed 129 Hong Kong-based senior
managers across a range of industries and types of organisation, assessing the extent to
which risk management activities have been embedded within businesses in Hong Kong.
Compared to a previous survey conducted by KPMG and HKICS in 2017, there is an increase
in organisations integrating ESG into enterprise risk management (ERM) and business
planning. Eighty-five percent of respondents consider ESG-related risks in their long-term
strategy, which coincides with an increased focus placed on ESG by regulators in recent years.