President’s Report to Members

President’s Report to Members - September 2019

Dear Member

I am pleased to announce that the Supplemental Charter that gives effect to the new name of the global Institute was sealed on Monday the 16th of September 2019. This means that all of the new provisions of the Charter agreed to by members at the 19 September 2018 Annual General Meeting have come into effect. Most importantly the new name The Chartered Governance Institute is now the official name of the global Institute and will often be described as CGI Global.

The new name also represents a new mission, a fresh brand and wider remit for the CGI. From the 5th of November of this year, a mass media and education campaign will commence on what CGI stands for and what it means to members worldwide.

As previously advised, CGI’s network of nine local divisions will decide for themselves what is appropriate for them. You may be aware that the Institute in Canada has already become The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada and that the Institute in the United Kingdom will soon be known as The Chartered Governance Institute. In addition, the Malaysian Institute is now known as MAICSA: The Governance Institute, the Australian Institute is known as Governance Institute of Australia and the New Zealand Institute is known as Governance New Zealand.

In the coming weeks members will be kept up to date with how the new name and brand position is to be rolled out. A new website will be launched on 5 November and a broad-based eCommunity will be launched in early December of this year.

These events represent a major change in widening the remit of CGI Global and I urge you to keep abreast of these changes.

Yours sincerely

Edith Shih FCG(CS, CGP) FCS(PE)
International President