Global Newsletter

Issue 10 - July 2021

In July’s newsletter we announced our upcoming two-part global webinar on Digital Age Risk in partnership with WhiteHawk Inc. This webinar and subsequent workshop is a must if you want your organisation to be resilient, responsive and successful today and into the future! We also highlight the latest episode of The Governance Exchange, where leading governance consultant Lloyd Mander joins us to discuss his thought leadership paper Diversity of thought: how you can prepare your board to solve complex problems. We also take a look at the recent Front of Mind blog and what’s been happening on our eCommunity, as well as finding out the latest news and events from our local divisions in New Zealand, Canada, Australia and the UK and Ireland.

Click here to view the newsletter in full.

The eNewsletter is issued monthly and so with one communication you can be brought up to date on news from the global Institute, what is happening on the eCommunity as well as highlights from our network of local Institutes.