Global Newsletter

Issue 4 - December 2020

In the final issue of 2020, we release the latest episode in Season 2 of The Governance Exchange - an interview with Louise Davidson, Chief Executive of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI). In addition to this, we release the latest Thought Leadership paper on Diversity of Thought, highlight upcoming AGM news & celebrate 1 year of the eCommunity. We also share the latest news and events from your local Division including an Awards write-up, new senior appointments within HKICS, a major study on Risk Management, an essay prize up for grabs & 100 years of CGIC!

It's a jam-packed edition full of engaging content and good news, to round off what has been "an unprecedented year", as the phrase may be. But to get an overview of what's happened within The Chartered Governance Institute this year, and what you can look forward to in the New Year, give this and our previous editions a read. 

Click here to view the newsletter in full.

The eNewsletter is issued monthly and so with one communication you can be brought up to date on news from the global Institute, what is happening on the eCommunity as well as highlights from our network of local Institutes.