Global Newsletter

Issue 28 - March 2023

In March’s issue of the Global newsletter, we shine the spotlight on our upcoming webinar on sustainability, climate change and net-zero, and the important role governance will play going forward. We also mention the Thought Leadership paper that has informed our next webinar, titled Boards Fit for Net-Zero – Governance to 1.5°C Pathway. We highlight a new MoU that has recently been signed with The Colegio Nacional de Consejeros Profesionales Independientes de Empresa, A.C.; Mexico, and also hear the latest from our blog. Finally, we hear from our local Divisions in the UK and Ireland and Australia.

Click here to view the newsletter in full.

The eNewsletter is issued monthly and so with one communication you can be brought up to date on news from the global Institute, what is happening on the eCommunity as well as highlights from our network of local Institutes.