
CGI Global Webinar: ‘The Realities of Digital Age Risk’

Business and government operations in the Digital Age are scalable, powerful and enabling - but come with inherent and disruptive and potentially devastating financial and operational impacts.  It is an imperative today to identify, prioritize and mitigate those risks to your revenue and reputation continuously - especially for governance, risk and compliance professionals. 

Do you fully understand the digital-age risk landscape? Do you understand your organisation’s governance, risk and compliance priorities in the context of the digital-age?  This webinar and follow-up workshop of kicking-off a cyber risk programme is a must-watch if you want your organisation to be resilient, responsive and successful today and into the future.


Terry Roberts
Founder, President & CEO, WhiteHawk, Inc.

Panellists & Presenters

Jill Parratt FCG
Group Secretary, Liberty Holdings Limited

Malcolm Fraser
Chief Data Steward, The Collaborative – a data institute

Managing Director, 365 Architechs

Mike Ferris
Director of IT Operations & Security and Senior Cyber Analyst, WhiteHawk

Julia Rapp
Senior Business Risk & Cyber Intelligence Analyst, WhiteHawk

This was a highly thought-provoking and engaging webinar that we encourage you to view - the on-demand version can be accessed below. You can also join the conversation on our eCommunity, which features a dedicated discussion thread with the panellists where they will further speak to the findings of the report, as well as addressing questions from the session. 

View the Webinar


This webinar was brought to you in partnership with WhiteHawk.

WhiteHawk, Inc., is the first online Cybersecurity Exchange based on a platform architecture that is Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven, with a focus on identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating cyber risks for businesses of all sizes. WhiteHawk continually vets and assesses risk-focused technologies, methodologies, and solutions that are impactful, affordable, and scalable to stay up to date on current cyber threat vectors to businesses, organizations, family offices, and individuals. 

We have an online approach to determining your key cyber risks through a Cyber Threat Readiness Questionnaire, and as appropriate, a cyber risk assessment and maturity model. Using this information, we then match tailored risk mitigation solution options to companies and organizations based on current threat trends across key sectors. Our Cyber Consultants on staff help build a tailored cyber maturity plan customized to meet your business or mission objectives.