
GX S2 ep.1 - Phil Armstrong, Governance Adviser, Gavi Alliance

The second series of The Governance Exchange interviews commences with at least one interview going to air each month to December. Series 2 is called ‘Hot Topics’ and will interview experts in their field on topics that are front of mind now. In this first episode of Series 2, we speak to Phil Armstrong who is the Governance Adviser to Gavi the Vaccine Alliance. "As part of its mission to save lives, reduce poverty and protect the world against the threat of epidemics, Gavi has helped vaccinate more than 760 million children in the world’s poorest countries." Today, Gavi is co-leading COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator – a global risk-sharing mechanism for the equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. Tune in for this interview as it offers a unique opportunity to examine governance practice in a highly political environment, on what is certainly a very hot topic at this time.

What is The Governance Exchange?

The governance exchange - a new interview series that examines global governance issues through the eyes of leading practitioners, academics and commentators. Short and sharp, these 1-to-1 interviews will bring to light the insights and experiences that we all want to hear. They will be available to view on-demand to then be followed-up with a robust discussion on The Chartered Governance Institute’s eCommunity. Find out more...